László Bodrogi FAQs: Facts, Rumors, Birthdate, Net Worth, Sexual Orientation and much more!

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Who is László Bodrogi? Biography, gossip, facts?

László Bodrogi is a professional road bicycle racer from Hungary riding for Team Novo Nordisk specializing in the individual time trial.

When is László Bodrogi's birthday?

László Bodrogi was born on the , which was a Saturday. László Bodrogi will be turning 48 in only 81 days from today.

How old is László Bodrogi?

László Bodrogi is 47 years old. To be more precise (and nerdy), the current age as of right now is 17165 days or (even more geeky) 411960 hours. That's a lot of hours!

Are there any books, DVDs or other memorabilia of László Bodrogi? Is there a László Bodrogi action figure?

We would think so. You can find a collection of items related to László Bodrogi right here.

What is László Bodrogi's zodiac sign and horoscope?

László Bodrogi's zodiac sign is Sagittarius.
The ruling planet of Sagittarius is Jupitor. Therefore, lucky days are Thursdays and lucky numbers are: 3, 12, 21 and 30. Violet, Purple, Red and Pink are László Bodrogi's lucky colors. Typical positive character traits of Sagittarius include: Generosity, Altruism, Candour and Fearlessness. Negative character traits could be: Overconfidence, Bluntness, Brashness and Inconsistency.

Is László Bodrogi gay or straight?

Many people enjoy sharing rumors about the sexuality and sexual orientation of celebrities. We don't know for a fact whether László Bodrogi is gay, bisexual or straight. However, feel free to tell us what you think! Vote by clicking below.
0% of all voters think that László Bodrogi is gay (homosexual), 0% voted for straight (heterosexual), and 0% like to think that László Bodrogi is actually bisexual.

Is László Bodrogi still alive? Are there any death rumors?

Yes, as far as we know, László Bodrogi is still alive. We don't have any current information about László Bodrogi's health. However, being younger than 50, we hope that everything is ok.

Where was László Bodrogi born?

László Bodrogi was born in Budapest, Hungary.

Is László Bodrogi hot or not?

Well, that is up to you to decide! Click the "HOT"-Button if you think that László Bodrogi is hot, or click "NOT" if you don't think so.
not hot
100% of all voters think that László Bodrogi is hot, 0% voted for "Not Hot".

How heavy is László Bodrogi? What is László Bodrogi's weight?

László Bodrogi does weigh 79kg, which is equivalent to 174.2lbs.

Who are similar cyclists to László Bodrogi?

Bernadette Swinnerton, Aristidis Konstantinidis, Burry Stander, Jack Bauer (cyclist) and Alex Caño are cyclists that are similar to László Bodrogi. Click on their names to check out their FAQs.

What is László Bodrogi doing now?

Supposedly, 2024 has been a busy year for László Bodrogi. However, we do not have any detailed information on what László Bodrogi is doing these days. Maybe you know more. Feel free to add the latest news, gossip, official contact information such as mangement phone number, cell phone number or email address, and your questions below.

Does László Bodrogi do drugs? Does László Bodrogi smoke cigarettes or weed?

It is no secret that many celebrities have been caught with illegal drugs in the past. Some even openly admit their drug usuage. Do you think that László Bodrogi does smoke cigarettes, weed or marijuhana? Or does László Bodrogi do steroids, coke or even stronger drugs such as heroin? Tell us your opinion below.
100% of the voters think that László Bodrogi does do drugs regularly, 0% assume that László Bodrogi does take drugs recreationally and 0% are convinced that László Bodrogi has never tried drugs before.

Are there any photos of László Bodrogi's hairstyle or shirtless?

There might be. But unfortunately we currently cannot access them from our system. We are working hard to fill that gap though, check back in tomorrow!

What is László Bodrogi's net worth in 2024? How much does László Bodrogi earn?

According to various sources, László Bodrogi's net worth has grown significantly in 2024. However, the numbers vary depending on the source. If you have current knowledge about László Bodrogi's net worth, please feel free to share the information below.
As of today, we do not have any current numbers about László Bodrogi's net worth in 2024 in our database. If you know more or want to take an educated guess, please feel free to do so above.